What’s The Best Grass To Grow In Fayetteville, Arkansas?
Living in or the surrounding areas of Fayetteville, Arkansas, e.g., Benton and Washington counties, you’ll find different grass types planted; primarily, Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass, and Tall Fescue. There’s a reason for this; it’s our hardiness zone.
The interesting fact about our beautiful state, Arkansas, sits in what’s known as the Transition Zone. Unlike other states, homeowners and property managers will always have challenges maintaining different lawn types due to our environmental climates.
How Will Homeowners and Property Managers Be Affected?
Unfortunately, our harsh Arkansas winters are known for injuring or killing warm-season grasses, but it doesn’t stop there. The extreme summer heat causes stress, dormancy and can destroy cool-season grasses that thrive in temperatures between 60º to 75 º F.
To guarantee you’re planting the best and most resilient grass on your property, our A Clean Cut Lawn Care team has vital information below for you to review. So before you lay sod or plant seeds, we invite you to read further.
What Are The Best Warm-Season Grasses To Grow?
Warm-season grasses grow best during late spring, summer, and early fall months. That’s when the temperatures range from 80º to 95 º F. You can expect aggressive growth during those months. However, in the wintertime, expect dormant and brown turf to appear.
Warm-season grass cultivars are:
- Zoysiagrass Cultivars – Meyer, El Toro, Palisades, Zenith, Compadre, Emerald, Cavalier, Royal, Zorro, and Diamond
- Bermudagrass Cultivars – Tifway, Tifgreen, Tifdwarf, Tifsport, Patriot, Midland, Quicksand, and Seed Varieties
When it comes to winter hardiness, the Zoysiagrass cultivars, Compadre, Meyer, and Zenith, are more resilient than the rest. They remain the best warm-season grasses to grow in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and the surrounding areas.
What Are The Best Cool-Season Grasses To Grow?
Cool-season grasses grow best during our late fall and early spring months. That’s when the temperatures range from 60º to 75 º F. During the summertime; you will need to keep a close eye on these different turfs. Also, expect to water them more than their warm-season grass counterparts.
Cool-season grass cultivars are:
- Centipedegrass Cultivar – TifBlair
- Kentucky Bluegrass Hybrid Cultivars – Durablue, Thermal Blue, Thermal Blue Blaze, and Solar Green
- Tall Fescue Cultivars – Apache, Avenger, Barvado, Bonanza, Cayenne, Cochise III, Durana, Dynasty, Finelawn Elite, Firebird, Greenkeeper, Guardian, Inferno, Jaguar, Justice, Masterpiece, Millennium, 2nd Millennium, Plantation, Rebel, Rebel II, Rebel Exeda, Red Coat, Rembrandt, Scorpio, Shenandoah, Solara, Turbo, and Watchdog
With their wider leaf blades, the Tall Fescue cultivars can thrive better in our state’s Transition Zone than others listed in this group. That makes them the best cool-season grasses to grow in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and surrounding areas.
8 Areas To Consider Before Selecting The Best Grass
With Arkansas sitting in the Transition Zone, not every grass type or cultivar is suitable for your landscape. When you walk your property, your selection of grass depends on eight vital areas for it to thrive year-round. They are:
- Drainage
- Slope
- Climate
- Sustainability
- Soil Type
- Intended Use
- Desired Appearance
- Ease of Mowing
Though you have a turf preference, the cost to maintain it could become unbelievably expensive if any of these areas get ignored. Our lawn care specialists at “A Clean Cut Lawn Care” understand this and can help you select the best grass and stay on budget.
If you’re a homeowner or property manager in Fayetteville, Farmington, Prairie Grove, Cave Springs, Elm Springs, Springdale, and SW Rogers, we are here to assist you. To get started, call us at 479-262-0253 or Contact us here.