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Backyard patio with pool connection

in Northwest, AR


We were hired to build a backyard patio, connecting his home with his pool. This will create more opportunities for spending time outdoors and hosting family and friends. It will also provide a more inviting atmosphere during the long summer days.

This project included the professional removal of several inches of grass/soil, ground leveling, preparing the soil for the overlaying of stone, and the actual laying and grouting of the stone pieces. All in all, a wonderful improvement! 


During Patio Installation After Patio Insallation
During Patio Installation After Patio Installation

To learn more about our professional landscaping services, including tree and shrub pruning, installation and maintenance for your home, feel free to get in touch with us here or give us a call at 479-856-9800. We look forward to talking to you and sharing our ideas to bring beauty to your home’s landscaping.

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